Donnerstag, 4. Mai 2017

How to be a Pseudoprofessional manipulator.

10 tips to be notorious for sales! 

  1. Smile until your cheeks twitch. Show as little as possible what you really think. A wide smile shows interest and relaxes the customer.    

  2. Show an open, welcoming body language, even if you want to beat the customer from the heart. He does not have to know.    

  3. Do not worry about the customer, you can count on the total value of your product or service. Tell him all the details of his advantage. Then he can choose freely.    

  4. Talk him down to the floor. If possible, speak about 80 percent of the time. Show him your rhetorical competence.

  5. Shortage creates business. Exercise pressure over time and discount-window and be impatient.   

  6. Don´t do small-talk or act with pseudo-questions. After all, the customer knows what he needs. He does not care if you are interested in him or not.    

  7. Call every week, write a reminder mail every few days and send him all your brochures. Until he makes his decision.

  8. Fashion, cosmetic and aesthetics ist not important in sales, unless you sell it.

  9. Be authentic as you are. Do not play a theater and say, what you mean. This creates trust. 

  10. Take the 9 points seriously and you will surely become very well-known in your industry!

    All the best,
    Malaika Loher


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